Home care services for patients with Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurological disease that affects memory, thinking, and behaviour. The disorder primarily impacts older adults, although early-onset Alzheimer’s can occur in people under 65. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s range from mild to severe, dependent on how far the disease has progressed. Some of the main signs of cognitive decline in a person due to Alzheimer’s include…

  • Confusion – being confused about simple things, such as where they are and what time it is
  • Communication issues – difficulties in holding a two-way conversation with someone
  • Continued forgetfulness – forgetting where commonplace items are or getting lost in familiar places
  • Inability to complete tasks – being unable to complete familiar tasks they once could do
  • Anger outbursts – having sudden outbursts of anger for no apparent reason
  • Poor decision making – making poor decisions that are completely out of character
  • Social withdrawal – backing away from people they love or activities they once enjoyed.

As the disease progresses, symptoms in a person can become worse resulting in making it increasingly difficult for them to perform daily activities, communicate effectively, or recognize loved ones.

The challenges of caring for someone with Alzheimer’s

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s can be emotionally and physically demanding. Because of the condition’s unpredictable nature, a person’s gradual decline will often require round-the-clock supervision to ensure their safety and wellbeing. This can be overwhelming and challenging for family members who will need to balance care responsibilities with their own personal and professional lives.

How home care services can help

Home care services play a vital role in supporting families and individuals affected by Alzheimer’s. These services are provided in the comfort of patient’s homes and can assist in making caregiving less stressful. Care is provided by fully trained professionals that are experienced delivering care and support to individuals with Alzheimer’s. Such home care services can range from basic assistance with daily living activities, such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation, to more advanced care, including medication management and monitoring for safety.

Types of home care services

There are a range of home care services available in Ontario for families of loved ones with Alzheimer’s. These include…

  • Personal Care Services: Which focus on helping patients with daily living activities, such as grooming, dressing, bathing, and feeding. Home caregivers are trained to assist gently and respectfully, ensuring the dignity of the person is always maintained. Home care givers can also provide much needed companionship too; individuals with Alzheimer’s often suffer social isolation due to memory loss and communication difficulties.
  • Skilled Nursing Care: Individuals with more advanced Alzheimer’s will often require skilled nursing care as well. Registered nurses (RNs) can provide medical care in a patient’s home, such as wound care, administering medications, and managing any other health conditions.
  • Respite Care: Homecare companies can also offer respite care to family caregivers. This service provides temporary relief for those caregivers, allowing them time to rest, recharge, or attend to personal matters. Respite care services can be arranged for a few hours, a day, or even overnight, giving family members peace of mind that their loved one remains in safe hands.

Benefits of Home Care for Alzheimer’s Patients

There are several main benefits for Alzheimer’s patients receiving care services in their own homes. These include…

  • Being in a familiar environment: Being in a familiar home setting can help reduce anxiety and confusion for those with Alzheimer’s. The comfort of their own surroundings can assist in improved mental well-being and provide a sense of security.
  • Receiving personalized care: Home care services offer a very personalized approach tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each patient. This individualized care plan can adapt to the evolving care requirements that Alzheimer’s presents.
  • Improving quality of life: With home caregiving services focused on enhancing daily living, patients can enjoy a higher quality of life. Activities, routines, and care plans are designed to engage and stimulate cognitive functions, promoting emotional and mental health.

Closing thoughts

Home care services offer a compassionate and effective solution for individuals living with Alzheimer’s and their families. By providing specialized care in the comfort of the home, these services help maintain a sense of normalcy, independence, and dignity for those affected by the disease. You can find out more about Alzheimer’s at the Alzheimer Society of Canada information portal website.

For over 40 years Selectacare has been providing care and support to Alzheimer’s patients and their families. If you feel you need extra help for a loved one please call us today on one of the numbers below. Alternatively, please complete our quick online enquiry form and we will reach out to you!